Wednesday, February 15, 2023
VISION OF AN ASTERIOD FALL ON EARTH. While in the Spirit, I saw a mysterious foreign object; an asteriod, fall on the Earth and causing great devastation to the planet Earth. INTERPRETATION. Because of the severe abominations of desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel, God's anger is risen against Man. The Judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah, is decreed against the Earth and its inhabitants. Flames of fire, sulphur and brimstone, will soon be released unto the Earth. A time of tribulation has begun!!! Heaven is shut down unto Man. The grave is opened against the wicked. From the Arctic, to the Antarctica, the veil is removed. Judgement is decreed and sealed. Not even the spiritism of the Heavenlies, Stars, Sun, Moon, Constellations, Clouds, Waters, Isles, Islands, Apes, Baboons, Nimbus, Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Aliens, Early Man, Stone Age Man, Huminids, Aborigins, Pharaohs, Goats, Goads, gods, goddesses, Ibex, Mermaid, Mammon, Dolphin and of Lady Luck; the Queen of Hell, will save the World of Darkness. PROPHETIC WORD: EZEKIEL 30.
VISION OF A DRIED UP NILE!!! While in the Spirit, I saw the waters of the Nile, all dried up!!! INTERPRETATION. For choosing Baal over Yahweh, Judgement is decreed against the Peoples, Kings, Queens, Kingdoms, Nations, Lands and Civilisations of the Nile. In a little while, the Hand of God will strike the Nile turning its waters into sour waters. The entire Nile Valley, shall soon experience a time of tribulation. Droughts, Disasters, Famines, Diseases, Floods, Wars and unprecedented Deaths, will soon cover the Nile Valley. PROPHETIC WORD: EZEKIEL 29:1-5.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
VISION OF AN END TO THE TOWER OF BABEL. While in the Spirit, I saw the Tower of Babel, that had drawn Nations, Peoples and Civilisations, fall down. INTERPRETATION. Heavenly Judgement is decreed and sealed against the antiChrist, Satanic andHellenic dominion of Religion, that had bound Man away from the Spirit of God, since times. In a little while, Religion shall be no more!!! PROPHETIC WORD: EZEKIEL 39:1.
VISION OF AN END TO THE WICKED CAT OF THE NATIONS. While in the Spirit, I saw the Mystical Black and White Cat of the Nations, that sat in the kingship Seat of the Earth, dead. INTERPRETATION. Heavenly Judgement is decreed and sealed against the Pharaohinic, Babylonian, Assyrian, Cushitic, Nubian, Arabian and Chwezi kingship dominion of Hell. All the Kings and Queens of the Earth, that have been ruling by the dark powers of Hell as Cats, are Judged. PROPHETIC WORD: AMOS 9:1-4.
VISION OF A DARK CLOUD OVER NIGERIA. While in the Spirit, I saw dark clouds cover the Nation and Peoples of Nigeria. INTERPRETATION. The Spirit of God, Peace, Unity and Love, has departed away from the Nation of Nigeria. In a little while, the Peoples of Nigeria shall wage war against One another. The Southern Peoples will rise up first against the Northern Peoples, and vice versa. Nigeria shall become the Armageddon of Africa. The present king, shall be the last to rule over a United Nation of Nigeria. PROPHETIC WORD: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14.
VISION OF AN END TO KINTU. While in the Spirit, I saw fires come down from Heaven, and burn to ashes the Mystical Black Man of the Earth, Kintu and his Cow. INTERPRETATION. Heavenly Judgement is decreed and sealed against the antiChrist, Beast, Black Man spiritism of Kintu, that has long covered the Righteous SUN of the Black People. The chains of Kintu are broken off the Black People and Civilisation. All the wicked Kings, Queens, Kingdoms, Dynasties, Empires, Religions, Civilisations and Philosophers, that have been venerating and drawing evil powers of Hell, from the Kintu spiritism, are Judged. PROPHETIC WORD: DANIEL 5:25.
VISION OF AN END TO THE MYSTERY BEAST OF THE EARTH!!! While in the Spirit, I saw a sudden thunderous end come unto the Mystical 8 Headed Beast of the Earth, with the Horns of a goat and a Face of a cow, and ruled over the Earth from Crete of Greece to Chwezi of the Great Lakes Region of Africa. INTERPRETATION. Heavenly Judgement is decreed and sealed against the 8 Civilisations of darkness from Mount Ida of Crete, Greece to Mount Ruwenzori of Chwezi, Great Lakes Region of Africa. The Mystical goat of Mount Ida, that have been venerated as the epicenter of World Knowledge and Understanding, is completely destroyed. The Mystery bull of Mount Ruwenzori, that has been the spiritist face of the Earth from time immemorial, is set on fire. All wicked Kings, Queens, Kingdoms, Dynasties, Civilisations, Religions and Philosophers, that have received the Mark of the Beast 666, from Crete to Chwezi, are Judged. PRAYER POINT. JEREMIAH 51:25.
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