Time 5:00am
While I lay down, I had a dream whereof forces of evil conquered and took control of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Netherlands.
The Nations of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Netherlands shall come under the control of Islamic fundamentalists who shall seek to establish an Islamic empire over Middle East and Europe. During the period of the Islamic empire in Middle East and Europe, the sword shall be the language of the day! Great persecution shall come unto Christians and Jews who refuse to bow down to Allah or covert to Islam. The Nation of Turkey shall become the Seat of the New Islamic Empire, that shall stretch across Middle East and many parts of Europe. Netherlands shall be the first country in Europe to become a part of the New Islamic Empire.
Pray that Christians and Jews will hold their faith in Yahweh and stand firm amidst the persecution and tribulation to come unto them at the hands of the New Islamic Empire.
Pray that at the appointed time, God shall break the stronghold of the New Islamic Empire and deliver His people from captivity and bondage.
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