Time 10:40 am
Date 25.5.15
While in the Spirit, I saw an amorphous creature with; a tail of a dragon, a face of a beast and a heart of man, come out of the City of Vatican in the Nation of Italy. All peoples of the World were moved by the nature of the creature. Many Peoples, kings and Nations ; bowed, worshipped and kissed the creature for; blessings, fame and power.
A man given power by the dragon to do great miracles, with a heart full of; mercy and love of the World and carrying the mark of the Beast on his forehead, shall rise out of the City of Vatican, in the Nation of Italy. The man shall be loved and revelled highly by all inhabitants of the World, save for the Saints of Yahweh. This man shall perform great acts of; mercy, love and miracles, wowing the world. Many peoples of the World shall; bow, worship and make images of this man as a sacred creation. The man shall speak blasphemies against the Creator of Heaven; Elohim.
The man shall cause; peoples, kings and Nations to turn away from Yahweh; the Elohim of Israel. The man shall give powers to the kings of the World to persecute and kill all those in the World that shall oppose his rule and edicts.
Pray that the Saints of Yahweh will never worship nor bow down to the beastly man that's the false prophet, to come out of Vatican.
Pray that at the appointed time, Yahweh will judge and punish the false prophet to come out of Vatican.
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