Time: Dawn
While in the Spirit, I saw the great Nation of America, broken down. The spirit of confusion, fear, anxiety and brokenness sorrounded and covered the leaders and peoples of America. America and her people were all now under captivity by a Nation from the Far East, that worships the dragon.
Hard times lay ahead of the peoples of America.
America's current civilization shall forth come to an end and shall be replaced by the dragon civilization. A Nation from the Far East that rules by the power of the dragon, shall become the face of the World. Everything of America shall be replaced by the dragon Nation. Many of America's people shall be enslaved in their land and beyond, by the dragon Nation. All America's resources shall be plundered by the dragon Nation. Dragon worship shall become the order of the day in America and many other Nations.
Pray that America and her people shall repent, turn away from evil and turn back to Elohim so as to escape the coming Judgement.
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