Friday, July 8, 2016


Time 12:08 pm

Thus says Yahweh Elohim, " Cry O Nation and Peoples of Europe! For a people from the East that worship the Beast out of the Sea; invade your land, conquer your Cities, pillage your peoples, plunder  your resources and carry the strong among you, as captives to the East. Mourning and tribulation cover your land, laments Elohim."


Elohim laments the coming destruction and devastation of Europe, her peoples and Civilization at the hand of the ferocious spirit of Islam. At a time to come very soon, Islam shall become the face of Europe reminiscent of the old Ottoman Empire.


Pray that Elohim's Set Apart Ones in Europe shall hold their faith in the midst of the coming persecution and tribulation.

Pray that at the appointed time of Heaven, Elohim's hand of deliverance shall come forth and deliver  Europe and her peoples.

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