Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Time 1:21pm

While in the Spirit, Elohim revealed unto me all about the current war in the Nation of Syria.
The war in Syria is a dress rehearsal of the End Time AntiChrist war against Jerusalem and Israel, led by the Army of Nations from the North who shall be joined by Armies of two other great Nations from the East, to mount a joint attack on Jerusalem and Israel. The Armies of the Nations out of Syria  shall for a short time prevail over Israel, making siege at Mount Zion and Jerusalem, and shall seek to enthrone the Commander of the Armies from the North and East, as the king of Jerusalem. Elohim's wrath shall then rise up against all kings and commanders of the Army of Nations from the North and East, and a great slaughter by Elohim, shall befall against all those of the Nations that conspired and coveted evil and war against Jerusalem and Israel.


The Nation of Syria shall become a war snare to the Armies and kings of the Nations of; Russia, Turkey, Iran and China, who shall seek to use it as a launchpad for their future planned war against the Holy City and Nation of Jerusalem and Israel. The move of these Nations and kings shall be to conquer and establish their rule over Jerusalem and Israel, remiscent of the old Bablyonian, Persian, Ottoman and Roman rule over Jerusalem and Israel. The Armies of; Russia, Turkey, Iran and China and their allies, shall however be defeated by Israel's Army and its allies from the West and South. The total defeat of the Armies of the Nations from the North and East by Israel, shall mark the end of the dominion of the Beast and Dragon over the World, ushering into the World a New Dispensation of Heavenly Order. Elohim's Temple in Jerusalem shall be rebuilt, and all Nations,kings and peoples shall go to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh Elohim; the God of Israel.


Pray for the perfect Will of Elohim to be done concerning Jerusalem and Israel.

Pray for the eternal peace of Jerusalem and Israel.

Pray that at the appointed time, Elohim shall expose, fight, defeat and anihilate the Armies of the Nations that conspire and covet war and evil against Israel.

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