Thursday, April 6, 2017


TIME 15:31pm

Thus says Yahweh Elohim, " Woe unto you Rome, the City of seven hills! For out of you, shall come forth a false prophet, who shall hoodwink many a Nations and kings, utter blasphemies against Heaven and Elohim, cause an end to the daily sacrifices in Jerusalem and cause the death and suffering of many Set Apart Ones in Israel and the World. Behold, Heavenly Judgement is set up against you and your inhabitants, declares Elohim."

Elohim castigates, rebukes and pronounces Judgement and punishment to come forth upon Rome and its inhabitants, for the evil that Rome shall cause in the World. For at an appointed time to come soon, Rome shall rise up against Heaven, Elohim, Jerusalem and all the Set Apart Ones of Elohim who shall refuse the decrees of Rome. Rome shall become the face of the antiChrist spirit, that is to come into the World. Many Jews and Christians that oppose Rome, shall die by the sword of Rome.However, in a short while, the prominence of Rome and all those that were hoodwinked by Rome, shall be cut short by Heaven,bringing to an end the era of the antiChrist, and mark the beginning of the reign and rule of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) over Jerusalem, Israel and the World.
Pray that at an appointed time of Heaven, the rule of Rome shall be completely cut off the World. Pray that when the Messiah(Jesus Christ) returns, there shall be no opposition to his rule in Jerusalem, Israel and the World.
Pray that the Set Apart Ones of Elohim in Jerusalem,Israel and the World, will stand firm and keeep their faith till the return of the Messiah.

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