Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Time 11:46 am

Date 17.5.16

While in the Spirit, I saw the City of Babylon, set up upon  seven hills, built in great splendor and workmanship, with gold and silver statues allover the City, these were being worshipped by all men. The men and women of the City, engaged in world pressures of; food, wine and sex, and with some even having unnatural knowledge of their fellow men and women. In the heart of the City, stood a huge statue of a beast moulded in gold, and this was being worshiped by all men from the City and from far places. Then I saw two men, dressed in white and with wings as birds, standing at the gate of the City, blowing trumpets and calling people out of the City. Suddenly, I saw dark clouds over the City, and a blazing flame of fire fall forth from the heavenlies, burning the city down, it's statues and all the people who had not departed from the City at the Call of the men in white, who stood at the gate of the City.


Elohim's sword of Judgement is lifted up against the World of abominations that have engulfed the Nations and their peoples. Elohim calls His Set Apart Ones out of the World so as to escape the coming Judgement and punishment.


Pray for an end to the abominations of desolation that have beset the World.

Pray that Elohim's Set Apart Ones will flee and depart from the World of evil.

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