Thursday, April 20, 2017


TIME 12:28pm

Thus says Yahweh Elohim,"Cry O inhabitants of the World! For a People and a Nation from the East, who rule by the power of the dragon, are risen to the helm of the World! Nations, kings and Peoples they cause to worship the dragon, and the Wealth of the Nations they plunder All, laments Elohim."


Elohim laments the coming rise, subjection and plunder of global resources by the dragon Nation of China. At a time to come very soon, the Nation of China shall rise to the helm of the World, becoming the new face of the World. During the reign of China, worship of the dragon shall become the norm of many!China will subdue kings and Nations under its authority. A huge threshold of the global resources shall fall into the hands of China. The rise of China shall mark the end of the current Beast civilization and the beginning of the dragon civilization. The dragon shall become the symbol of;power, wealth and prosperity in the World. During this time, the World shall experience great abominations  of desolation.

Prayer Points

Pray that the Set Apart Ones of Elohim in the World,shall stand strong,keep their faith and defend the power of the cross in the midst of the coming abominations.

Pray that at an appointed time of Heaven,Judgement shall come forth upon the dragon civilization and empire.

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