Saturday, January 4, 2014


TIME 1:21 AM

Thus says the LORD God, " Israel, Whose voice shall you chose to listen to? Mine or that of your adversaries? Where you brought back to the land that you occupy by your adversaries?  If not, then why listen to their voices? Shall you surrender your life as a sheep that goes to the slaughter? Will your peace come from your enemies? Are you blind, that you see not nor are you dumb, that you hear not, or not understand the plans of your enemies? For how long will I continue to speak to you about not subduing yourselves to the philistines? Shall you cause My WORD to go in vain? Have I not spoken concerning you dwelling in the land and rebuilding its Cities that were ruined? Shall you cause Me to go against My WORD? Let no man, or king or Nation cause you to subdue My people under the philistines or even surrender their land! Any one amongst you, that shall seek to do so, I will cut off the land, declares the LORD."


God warns Israel not to subdue under the philistines


Pray that Israel will listen to the Voice of God

Pray that the leadership of Israel will no act contrary to God's WORD.

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