Sunday, August 31, 2014


Time 10:30 am

Thus says the LORD God, " Woe unto you the Son of the Bondwoman and all your descendants! Shall you cause My WORD to change? Did I not give Jerusalem as an inheritance unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants? What then, do you seek from Jerusalem? Did I not give unto you and your descendants; the desert places of Arabia, Egypt, the land beyond River Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and as far as the land between the two rivers? Behold, for coveting Jerusalem and the land of Israel, I will cause your descendants to rise against each other, declares the LORD."


God rebukes and castigates the descendants of Ishmael for seeking an inheritance that does not belong to them. The descendants of Ishmael don't, and will never have an inheritance in Jerusalem nor in any land of the land that God gave to Israel. Jerusalem is One, must never be divided and exclusively belongs to Jews by blood and all those of the House of Israel by Faith. The Judeo-Christian God is the Only and Only God that must be worshipped in Jerusalem.
Because the descendants of Ishmael covet Jerusalem, God is going to cause  divisionism, rivalry and war amongst their kings and kingdoms. People shall rise against people, Nation shall conspire against Nation and confusion shall cover all the kingdoms inhabited by the descendants of Ishmael.


Pray that the descendants of Ishmael shall cease to covet Jerusalem and the land of Israel.

Pray that the descendants of Israel and all those of the House of Israel by Faith, will stand strong, subdue not to the  Ishmaelites nor surrender their birth right.

Pray that no king in Israel will ever accept nor concede to any such attempts to divide Jerusalem nor surrender any land that belongs to Israel, to the Ishmaelites.

Pray that God will avenge against; peoples, nations and kings that seek the desolation of Jerusalem and destruction of Israel.

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