Time 7:47 am
While in the Spirit, I saw a five horned beast rise out of the earth and sit atop Mountain Zion in Jerusalem. Then afterwhile, I saw a Lamb rise, break the five horns of the Beast, and kill the Beast.
Five kings from five great Nations of the World shall form an army of Nations, move and besieged the City of Jerusalem, establish their authority over the City for a time and then, the Army of Elohim from Heaven shall move forth against the army of Nations, defeating them and breaking the siege off Jerusalem. The full reign of Elohim shall then begin over Jerusalem and Israel. Peoples and Nations from every part of the World shall ascend to Jerurasalem to worship and make offerings to Yahweh Elohim and His Son; Yeshua Messiah. True worship to Elohim shall return forth unto the Temple of Elohim in Jerusalem.
Pray for the full return of Elohim's reign unto Jerusalem and Israel.
Pray that Israel, her peoples and all those of the Spirit of Elohim across the World, shall stand firm, be bold and steadfast in defense of Jerusalem and Israel, in the wake of the coming attack on Jerusalem by the army of Nations.
Pray for the total defeat and annihilation of the army of Nations by the Army of Elohim.
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