Wednesday, May 29, 2013


TIME: 12:00 PM

Thus says the LORD, "Israel; Israel; Why do you allow those who pervert sex to dwell amongst thee? Shall a man lay with a man as with a woman? And shall a woman lay with a woman as with a man? For the minds of those who do such have been debased; and you must not allow them to dwell amongst thee; Rest their sin and judgement comes upon you too! Did I not destroy the Cities of Sodom and Gommorah for the same evil? Cast out of your land all such men and women that pervert sex; declares the LORD!"


God commands Israel to cast out of their land all men and woman that pervert sex.


Pray that the Nation and People of Israel will raise up against all forms of sexual perversion in the land.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to stand against such a vile life. America is turning from GOD more under a non believer as president but America has many Christians that are fighting trying to save her.just as GOD saves HIS faithful HE will save the ones in America trying to hold America to morals and values. Many in America are headed to death but life is for the ones that turn away from sin and turn to HIM.
