TIME: 11:10 AM
Thus says the LORD, " Iran; Iran; Why do you plot evil against Me and Israel?
Did I not destroy your past descendants for the same wickedness? Behold; For these 2 sins, I will kindle a fire in your house. Your own people will turn against you; and I will cause a great famine in your land, till such a time when you will humble yourself, and you and your people will call upon My Name!
God's anger is aroused against the Nation of Iran.
1. Iran should repent and ask God for forgiveness
2. Iran should stop the persecution of the Church of God
3. Iran's Leadership should forthwith abandon and stop hatching evil plans against the Nation of Israel
4. Pray that Iran will begin worshipping the Only True God; Yahweh
Prophecy is being fullfilled; President Ahamjdein has risen against the Supreme Leader; Former President Rafasjani rises against Supreme Leader;and latest, daughter of Founding Father of Iran rises up against the Supreme Leader! Yahweh is indeed mighty!